Part I.
You and your loves are okay.
If you tell that statement to anyone you talk to online, via texting, or on the phone right now, the response you get from people might not be as positive as you might expect. How are we supposed to be optimistic or positive when the reality is that there’s so much uncertainty going on right now? The truth is we are all human. Some are living in panic and fear — almost like in war time. If we compare this situation to our history, it is safe to say that everything will be okay, eventually. It takes time, courage, responsibility, encouragement, teamwork, and much more.
The reason why I’m able to say such things and share this with you all is because I had gone through a 365-day period of uncertainty, where little was in my control. Time, patience, positive outlook, and trust all played a major role in getting me through those days. In the end, things did work out how they should. I live my life knowing that I am fortunate enough to have positive people influencing and guiding me through that challenging, frustrating, and uncertain time.
A little about me: My name is Penloy. I live in the nation’s capital and today is my 14th day working from home. This isn’t the first time I work remotely—I have done it for a whole year, in the time zone that is 12 hours ahead of Washington, DC. The great part about being in the creative and marketing field is that most of my work can be done online so I’m very well equipped and familiar with all the virtual meetings, emails, time organization, and prioritizing tasks and projects. I enjoy rock climbing, Muay Thai, and yoga, which I consider to be a big part of my recent years of life. As a matter of fact, exercising was one of the drugs I used to suppress my hopelessness and pessimism—to distract me from the mundane daily life and trick my brain into looking forward to the day after, and the day after, and the day after, when I could wake up and do it more.
Current climate absolutely prevents me from partaking in any of those activities—which I’m sure is affecting a lot of others reading this too—so it makes this situation even more challenging. I, though, accept this challenge and look forward to improving myself and talking about this unforgettable time in the future about how we all made it through this together.
Now that it’s spring time in DC… Have you looked outside your window at those flowers blooming from a tree and wondered ‘how do they still hold on to the branches of the tree in such strong wind, rain, and even in the storm’?
Everyday felt much longer and slower to me. Last week, I woke up feeling not so motivated. I felt the tension and stress from my work having to be the resource, helping hand, and additional supportive to the company I work for. Going to bed not knowing what was going to happen the next day, what would happen to the business, the industry, all my colleagues and clients, and not being to make much of an impact — these thoughts were so negative and hindering my productivity and wellbeing.
Now that we’re half way through the 15-day plan to slowdown the spread of corona virus, there are some things I want to share with you in the next few days because, though our lifestyles have drastically changed in the past week or so, no one knows certainly when our lives will be back to the way they were before.
Know what you can control and what you can’t control.
I sense there’s a lot of fear right now. People are afraid and scared of what they don’t know. The concerns and doubts without certain answers can sprout into fear and panic. My role in the current stage of life now is to recognize the power of my actions and the impact they are making to the general public—to the fellow humans.
Know that you cannot make people do certain things, but you can influence them. I have to assume by now that, as adults, people are aware of what they should or should not be doing, but their mindset and opinion are something very personal and unique to each individual. They can willingly stay home and away from everyone, but it doesn’t mean they cannot project their negative outlook onto others they interact with.
The energy and positive outlook you share with people closest to you or whoever you interact with on social media, in virtual meetings, through emails, etc. is the natural medicine healing us all from within. The enthusiasm is contagious. I cannot control my family living abroad, my neighbors, or people I pass by when I do go outside for a bike ride or a walk; but I can influence them by educating and sharing the facts and best practices I’m living by as well as my belief in the resolved future where we all gain our normal lives back. I know I am responsible for each action I make everyday and aware of the impact it can make.
I’m grateful I have a stable job that will still pay me this Friday. I am aware of my skills and what I can contribute to help others virtually and verbally. So, I choose to focus on making the most of what everyday brings me like working from home. I accept the current stage of being and know that it’s temporary. Changes and adjustments become harder and harder the older you get, especially when they’re so sudden. It’s necessary to make yourself comfortable to the adjustment by accepting the presence and have a focus.
I now wake up each morning knowing we are one day closer to our resolved future — to the life everyone aims to gain back.
What are some things in your life that you appreciate?
Where will you be a year from now?
Who are the people you haven’t talked to in a while?
I encourage everyone reading this to embrace the title of this blog post and choose positivity. Remember this thought as you go about your day: You and your loved ones are okay. Know that you are okay — you have to power to control your actions and your life. People surrounding you can be impacted and positively influenced by you without you telling or controlling them.
I love looking at those flowers because for some reason, they have the ability to make many girls and women I know smile and make things seem better. It’s a pretty significant role to be in as a flower in someone’s life bringing joy and positivity to them — to all your friends, family, and colleagues you interact with daily.
The flowers blooming on the trees can withstand such strong forces hitting them from all directions and live through the entire hot summer.
Strong flowers.
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